Sunday, 7 July 2013

Keeping Busy

In the last week or so I have neglected Reality due to commitments on another project, and this got me thinking about something that I think is important for all aspiring comics writers, and that is staying busy.

All in all it takes a lot more time to draw a comic than to write it. Sure I do a lot of research and redrafts, but this still on an issue to issue basis doesn't compare to the time it takes to pencil, ink, colour and letter the book. So picture this, you've written the first issue of your future smash hit comic. You've found the perfect artist. They've started the project, but given other commitments they believe it should take three months before they finish the issue. What do you do? Do you sit there twiddling your thumbs thinking about how great your comic is going to look. Nay I say to thee. You want to be a writer, then you have to keep writing. Come up with another idea and find the perfect artist for that one. At the moment, I have 3 projects in full production and even then there are times I find myself with nothing to do, but wait for new pages to come in from an artist. I don't just sit there, I start brainstorming for another project. Due to this as well as the three mentioned, I have another project just about ready to find an artist for, I have another one with pages of notes and many more just at the initial idea stage. Remember you're not owed anything, you want to make it, you've got work for it. The more projects you have out there the more likely one of them will be your big breakthrough, and obviously the more you write, the better you will get.

Anyway these are just my thoughts, I could be completely wrong, maybe sitting there twiddling your thumbs will bring you success, but I doubt it.

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